They Have Mouths But Say Nothing

From today’s reading…

Our God is in heaven, he creates whatever he chooses.

They have idols of silver and gold, made by human hands.

These have mouths but say nothing,

have eyes but see nothing, have ears but hear nothing,

have noses but smell nothing.

Their makers will end up like them, and all who rely on them.”

Psalm 115:3-6, 8

The more things change, the more they really do stay the same, huh?

We have American Idols who get golden tickets to Hollywood.

We have athletes paid in gold to compete for silver cups, crystal monoliths, and green jackets.

We have talking heads with talking points who get airtime because they’re rude, loud, and proud.

We have bubble-headed-bleach-blondes, who come on at five, who can tell you ‘bout the plane crash, with a gleam in their eyes. (Name the song and artist.)

We have activist journalists who simply read what is put on their teleprompters, which is written by a central source, approved by the activist powers-that-be, then distributed to their affiliates across the nation.

We have professors, scientists, and physicians who are brainwashed, neutered, and bribed into getting on board with their boards of directors rather than pursue real science and follow the facts to the truth, even if the truth is not what they had hoped it would be.

This is nothing new.

The pharaohs did this.

The Caesars did this.

Emperors and kings have done it.

The Sadducees and Pharisees did it.

Saul did it.

Now the WHO, the CDC, the USCCB, the Olympic Committee (allowing men to compete as women), BLM, Planned Parenthood, and 540 politicians in D.C. are doing it every minute of every day because they can’t let a crisis go to waste, especially those they created.

We are told how they will end up, so let them continue calling down up, black is white, and good is evil.

Recognizing evil and keeping it out of your life, your home, and your brain is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.