They Sank Like Lead In The Terrible Waters

From today’s reading…

The enemy said, ‘I shall give chase and overtake, ‘I shall share out the spoil and glut myself on them, ‘I shall draw my sword, my hand will destroy them.’ You blew with your breath, the sea closed over them; they sank like lead in the terrible waters” Exodus 15:9-10

The other day a “manly gooroo” said hell did not exist, and he has all the credentials to be an authority on matters of faith.

You know, the lost-it-all-and-built-it-back-better story. The overcoming-anger story. The tattoos. The nice hair. The beard. The exercise photos. The new sexy wife. The minions who hang on his every word. The long, self-reflecting posts. The potty mouth. The “spiritual but not religious” street cred garnered from leaving and repudiating his childhood faith.

So basically, he’s Jesus, Peter, the Pope, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Jim Jones, and Simon Cowell rolled into one.

But what happens to enemies of freedom who pursue people who are “religious and spiritual” with the sole purpose of tormenting, torturing, raping, pillaging, enslaving, and then killing them?

Do those people go right to heaven because God is a sweetheart? A pushover? Just wants everyone to get along?

You can love someone and still allow them to sleep in the bed they made.

Actions have consequences.

If I allow my child to walk all over someone because I love my child, neither justice nor mercy is served for their victims.

No loving father wants a robot for a child.No loving father wants a sycophant for a child. (But most goo-roos do want sycophants and yes-men.) No loving father wants their child to be undisciplined, unruly, unable to think strategically, incapable of delaying gratification today to create a better tomorrow.No loving father wants a child without free will.

There is evil in the world because we have free will and have chosen to ignore God’s instructions.

But because He is a loving Father, He has left the light on for us. He has dropped breadcrumbs on every trail.

He has even sent His only Son out into the night to calm the winds and show us the way back home.

All we have to do is hold our heads high and keep our eye on Him, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.