This Kiwi Drop Out Hacked Facebook, Meet Brett Campbell

Right now! Why not you? Why not now?

Stream below or right-click here to download the episode. 

Sales Hacks you’ll learn in The Sales Podcast

  • How and why to follow your entrepreneurial heart

  • Success is up to you and it leaves clues…if you look for them

  • Why going with the flow can drown you and what to do about it

  • Why being good at woodwork, PE, and lunch is not a recipe for succcess…and what to do about it

  • How to go from figuring it out to launching 35 franchises in 6 months

  • Where to make friends and drum up business when you’re new in town

  • What to do in order to succeed when you don’t have a college degree 

  • Why a college degree and formal education may be holding you back

  • How to find the blessings in disguise and have the faith that today’s trials and tribulations are preparing you for bigger things in the future

  • Why you need to be an early adopter in marketing, especially digital marketing, and especially social media marketing

  • Why you need to focus on serving to sell and to grow

  • Why and how to build an honest list of people who want to hear from you and buy from you

  • How to zig when your competition zags…and why you need to do that now and always

  • How to grow with Facebook communities

  • Why you need to be congruent in order to grow your sales

  • Why you don’t need a big staff to make big sales and big money

  • Why you need to ask yourself right now “Am I currently living up to my full potential? If I die in 12 months will I be happy with what I’ve achieved?”

  • What you can learn from the candidates in the U.S. Presidential Election about success in entrepreneurship

  • Why you need to stop being a wallflower and put yourself out there now

Catch Up on The Previous Episode of The Sales Podcast

This dropout, Joshua Fechter, now runs the largest MeetUp in San Francisco and is building a following most only read about. Stream below or right click here to download the episode.  

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast
