Unclean! Unclean! COVID! COVID!

From today’s reading…

As long as the disease lasts, such a person will be unclean and, being unclean, will live alone and live outside the camp.” Leviticus 13:46

It wasn’t bad enough to be physically ill back in the day because everyone assumed you were also a sinful person, which is why you were sick to begin with, so you were double ostracized and shunned and there wasn’t jack diddly squat you could do about it.

Fast forward 3,000 years or and we haven’t really advanced much, despite the cries of those who “believe in science.”

At least in the time of Moses, you were not forced to isolate yourself until you had a visible illness.

Today we assume you are sick and force you into isolation with no end in site. If you must venture out you must “cover the upper lip and shout,” (Leviticus 13:45) “I probably have COVID and I am a selfish bastard who is craving toilet paper and ice cream more than your well-being! Stand at least six feet from me for I am Unclean, unclean!!!”

And to think there are those who walk among us today who call Christians “superstitious” and they call the Bible “make-believe” and they call God “our little imaginary friend in the sky.”

Although one nice thing about these “science-believers” is that as they wear their face shields and double masks with pantyhose pulled up around their faces—ya know, for a tight seal, and such—it’s much harder to hear their vitriolic calls for unity since we’re all in this together.

But Yahweh did give Moses and Aaron great advice. If you are not feeling well, see a priest. His prayers can help both physical and spiritual healing, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.