Use Cartoons To Grow Sales (Vince Palko Shows How)

About Today’s Guest on The Sales Podcast

Vince Palko loved art and sports since he was a child and after writing “The Art of Selling Using Cartoons” in 2006, it set the stage for him to leave his Corporate America gig behind and set off on his own. This is his story.

Rubber-Meets-The-Road Sales Tips

  • In 2005, Vince joined Matt Fury’s Mastermind Group and he’d still say “Don’t leave your day job until your idea is proven.”

    • Matt had achieved what Vince wanted so he followed his lead.

    • This was after he wasted $10,000 on an advertising program that generated no business.

  • He bought a day back from his employer, literally. He took Fridays off and took less pay, less insurance, etc. so he had time to build his new career.

    • So many people have great ideas but don’t invest in themselves to make it grow and blossom.

    • He spent his time to create the book on those Fridays. But he wanted to put a dent in the universe (a la Steve Jobs.)

Don’t leave your day job until your idea is proven.”

  • In the beginning he was doing short comic strips (1-3 panels) and he saw instant results when he used them in ads. But it was also a passion of his so it was “easier” to follow this path to pursue building it as a business.

  • He also started “Success Visuals” to help people with more meaningful art along the lines of the Success posters of eagles soaring. But nobody was doing it and he learned the hard way that competition is a good thing at times.

  • “Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.” Walt Disney

Pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

  • But it wasn’t a rise straight to the top…

  • 2008-2009-2010 he was down. Back child support, etc.

  • He was teaching a course online to show them how to draw.

  • A client had a need and a challenge and he rose to the challenge. Vince helped produced an 85% improvement in his client’s launch and then saw a 268% in a split test on that.

  • That lead to his next book, “Dreams DOodle Come True,” and the career he has now.

Rise to the challenge. You can do it. “

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