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  • Use Emotions To Sell By Personality Type, With Tim Van Milligan

Use Emotions To Sell By Personality Type, With Tim Van Milligan

DISC and Myers-Briggs is old school

  • The rocket man

  • Became an entrepreneur

  • Interested in emotions and selling by personality

  • Loved model rockets as a kid

  • Hired away from NASA to work in Colorado in toy rockets

  • Eventually got let go but loved selling to consumers so he started his own rocket company

  • Took 10 years

  • Focused on emotions

  • Worked on the school newspaper in college and sold the ads and he loved it

    • Gave him extra money

    • Extra perks…like getting fed by your pizza shop client

Emotions can be triggered following a formula.”

  • Two big “nuclear bombs” hit him and he wanted to capture this moment and idea

    • Emotions are triggered and there is a formula for triggering them

    • There are 10 emotions, not five, as Dan Hill mentioned

      • Happiness

      • Sadness

      • Fear

      • Anger

      • Embarrassment

      • Guilt

      • Shame

      • Disgust

      • Contempt

      • Surprise

Steven Sisler on The Sales Podcast

  • The four big emotions salespeople use

  • Take what someone values and honor it to bring on happiness

  • Anger is triggered when something you value is attacked

  • Fear is triggered when something you value is threatened, i.e., a child gets sick

  • Shame, unfortunately, is used often and is triggered when something you value is ignored

  • Salespeople trigger shame all the time without even knowing it

    • They’ll start a presentation and ask the prospect, “What are you looking for in a new car?”

    • A value solicitation question

  • How do we build rapport?

  • The four classifications of values

    • People

    • Possessions

    • Passions, non-physical, i.e., our faith, our hobbies, sports teams

    • Principles, our guiding principles. This is his second nuclear bomb discovery

  • People with similar guiding principles have similar personality types, temperaments

  • Myers-Briggs has four temperaments but 16 personality types

  • Our purpose for humanity is to survive conflict, so we need four types of people

    • Warriors

    • Logistics

    • Strategists, force multipliers, always short on supplies so how do you do more with less?

    • Morale officers, i.e., caregivers, i.e., medical, courage-producers

    • They all have similar values

  • Logisticians value time

    • To build rapport with those who value time we must understand and follow the sequence

    • To know what they value, you must ask questions, but you can ask the wrong questions at the wrong time

    • Salespeople become “me too”

    • Prospects are trying to hide their values so they are not shamed by them later in an effort to close me

  • We need to display our values first to our prospects so their values remain hidden

    • You can do this the long way or the short way

    • The short way is to display my emotion and show them we are in alignment

    • You must be able to type people quickly

    • Guiding principles are leading indicators

    • Their leading indicators enter a room before they do

    • Every day you make decisions based on your values to affect your future

    • It’s like a BINGO card

  • There’s a lot here so just remember that we’re all in the Army so break this down to the big four

    • What are the characteristics each type needs to be successful

    • Warriors:

      • Action-oriented

      • A fighting partner

      • “I’ve got your back”

      • Speed/Time

      • Agility

      • They hate consistency, predictability

  • Display your emotion that you have the same values as your prospects

  • In NLP there is mirroring, but the purpose is to get the prospect to feel as though they are looking in a mirror

  • If you have time you can research your prospects to learn about them and discern what their values are

  • You can do this face-to-face but it takes work but the payoff is huge

  • Personality temperaments are genetic

    • You’re born with it

    • It guides your life

    • Clothing and facial hair can tell you a lot about someone

    • Earrings, big hoops are warriors

  • Companies have personalities

  • He attracts other logistical customers

  • He builds rapport

  • “What are you trying to achieve?” must be asked, but only after rapport is established.

  • He likes Myers-Briggs over DISC

    • Thinking to Feeling and Energy is vertical

    • Tim is an introvert without high energy

    • Myers-Briggs has four axes on two sheets

      • Sensing vs. Intuition

      • Split those in half

        • Perceiver or Judger

          • Warrior or Logistical

        • Thinking vs. Feeling

          • Intuition Feeler, Morale Officer

          • Strategist

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast