Use It (Well) or Lose It. (You’ve Been Warned!)

From today’s reading…

Therefore, I say to you,

the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you

and given to a people that will produce its fruit.” Matt 21:43

There’s an old saying that you return something you borrowed in better shape than you got it.

So when your neighbor loans you his truck to make a quick trip to the store to pick up a couch and it’s only a 6-mile round trip, you return the truck full of gas and/or you wash it, even if he said don’t worry about it because it’s the right thing to do.

It also helps ensure he’ll be responsive to future requests from you because you actually improved his life, even if it was only by a smidge.

When it comes to our planet and even our lives, they are not ours to use and abuse; to ride hard and put up wet.

God is the designer, the builder, the pink slip holder of everything, including you and me.

We are to work with Him to not only protect but to nurture and grow what He has freely given to us or, like a car we don’t take care of or a lawnmower we abuse or a home we allow to fall into disrepair, it will be taken from us in a flash and given to someone who will value it.

Appreciate what you have and work with God to create abundance in your own life and those around you because that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.