Violent Abuse Is Only Your Temporary Reward

From today’s reading…

When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy

and with violent abuse contradicted what Paul said.”

Sounds like the baby killers and their supporters today.

Just this week the first openly gay state representative in Pennsylvania, Brian Sims, verbally assaulted and tormented an elderly woman, a prayerful young man, and a mother with three teenagers whom he also attempted to dox because they were bold enough to pray outside an abortion clinic.

Alyssa Milano wants her followers to not have sex to boycott Georgia passing an abortion bill that saves lives. (They don’t realize that by abstaining from sex they are helping reduce abortions. The Lord really does move in mysterious ways, but I digress.)

History repeats itself because since Cain and Abel, human nature has never changed. 

Neither has the Word of God, because it is True, and Truth cannot change.

This angers and frustrates the Devil and his followers because the only way to fight the Truth is to subdue it and try to hide it.

One way manipulative men in leadership roles and/or positions of power try to hide the Truth of their evil ways is to get the backing of the women of the age to shout down the followers of the Truth. (Rapists and other predators/manipulators also coerce the women they’ve assaulted to hide the truth they were raped and abused by killing the baby he forced her to conceive, but I digress.)

The Jews, however, incited the women of prominence who were worshipers

and the leading men of the city,

stirred up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas,

and expelled them from their territory.”

How did Paul and Barnabas respond?

So they shook the dust from their feet in protest against them,

and went to Iconium.

The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.

When you are on the side of Truth, rejoice in the support of the average citizen and the rejection of the corrupt leaders of the time.

The supporters of infanticide need more prayers than the innocent victims they create by the millions each year because they should know better and they will literally have a hell of a time come Judgment Day.

So be joyful when you are plotted against because being on the side of Truth is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.