Walk Worthily. Bear Fruit. Grow.

From today’s reading…

…to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,…

in every good work bearing fruit

and growing in the knowledge of God,…

for all endurance and patience,…”

Paul is writing to the Colossians and he’s reminding them of the active nature of their new faith.

We are to walk, do good work, bear fruit, grow, and do it all with endurance and patience.

Jesus did not suffer, die, and rise so we could be “spiritual but not religious.”

Jesus did not suffer, die, and rise so we could redefine the meaning of love.

Jesus did not suffer, die, and rise so we could accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior and then be on Easy Street.

Jesus did not suffer, die, and rise so we could “let the Holy Spirit reveal the meaning of the Scriptures” to us.


We are to be active. We are to be engaged. We are to participate. We are to study, learn, and develop our consciouses. We are to struggle. We are to sacrifice. We are to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.