We Have Taken To Serving Alien Gods

From today’s reading…

but, each following the dictates of our evil heart, we have taken to serving alien gods, and doing what is displeasing to the Lord our God.” Baruch 1:22

Today we are reminded in all three readings—Baruch 1, Psalm 79, and Luke 10—that the price to pay for willful sin, for ignoring God’s precepts, is not just death; not just painful death; but hell.

We’ll literally have hell to pay for all eternity.

“But Wes, I don’t have a golden calf on my mantel. I’ve accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Overall, I’m a pretty good person. No, I don’t really donate much of my time, treasure, or talents to my church. No, I don’t really have a church I attend regularly. Yes, I spend too much time on social media…and gossiping…and lusting…and being jealous of the success of others. Yes, I probably give too much credence to some self-help gurus…and place too much trust in crystals and horoscopes and those musical vase thingies. And now that I think about it, I do get pretty amped up about my team…okay, teams (plural), and their coaches and franchise players and owners and fan pages. Now that I think about it, I probably need to go reread Baruch and Psalm 79 and Luke 10…I might have a few things out of balance in my life.”

Hey, nice job.

I’m right there with ya.

Isn’t it nice to know we’re not alone on this journey and that it’s never too late to straighten up and focus on the best way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.