We Receive That Promised To Our Ancestors

From today’s reading…

‘We have come here to tell you the good news that the promise made to our ancestors has come about.’” Acts 13:32

From Augustus on, the Caesars claimed to be “sons of the gods,” i.e., Zeus, Jupiter, etc.

They would send out their messengers to spread the good news, the gospel, the Evangelium about how wonderful they were, about great battles they won, or that vaccinated people could walk outside with no mask as long as they were only with three other vaccinated people and they did not touch or come within three feet of anyone else. “Hail Fauci! Hail Biden!” (Oops. Sorry about that. Not really. Now where was I?)

Oh yeah. Paul was thumbing his nose at the powers that be in saying he had the Evangelium of Jesus, the true, the one, the only Son of God.

It would be like going swimming today without a mask or not letting boys join girls sports teams. (Crazy, huh?)

Yep, Paul and the early Christians were rebels with a cause.

They were rocking the boat, and many of them died as a result. But knowing the Good News and its meaning is the best way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.