Welcome Your Wonderful Inheritance

From today’s reading…

Just as we have borne the image of the earthly one, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly one.”

Children inherit the looks and tendencies of their parents.

The eyes, the nose, the chin, the body structure, the love of movies, and despising casseroles. (Come on! Who wants all those cheesy sauces in the food? But I digress.)

We also inherit—or at least emulate—a short temper, a tendency to abuse drugs and alcohol, or a competitive nature.

We may also rebel against an overbearing parent or use the failings of a parent as inspiration to “do better.”

Maybe we live in the shadow of a high-achiever and feel as though we’ll never live up to their standards or expectations.

However, there’s one parent who will never let you down, who knows your abilities, and loves you because of your failings and shortcomings and your struggles.

While you’ve been lead to believe that “three’s a crowd,” the reality is without the love of God, the love of your parents would never have been enough to bring you into this world.

That’s why your body looks like your two parents and your soul looks like your heavenly parent, which is why you are able to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.