We’re Still Infants In Christ

From today’s reading…

And so, brothers, I was not able to talk to you as spiritual people; I had to talk to you as people still living by your natural inclinations, still infants in Christ;” 1 Corinthians 3:1

An old ad man, David Ogilvy, once said, “You can’t save souls in an empty church,” and he was right. In my sales training and consulting, I remind my clients that we must meet our prospects where they are.

Jesus knew this.

He avoided the big cities for a while and went out into the countryside and back woods and met His people where they were.

Then He made His grand entrance and met the vipers in their den.

Yet even His own hand-picked apostles didn’t completely understand what was happening and what must happen until they received the Holy Spirit in what we now know as Pentecost.

So go easy on your brothers and sisters who are still infants in their faith journeys because you are, at most, just a chapter, or maybe just a sentence, ahead of them in their studies.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.