What Are You Willing To Sacrifice?

From today’s reading…

God himself will provide the sheep for the burnt offering.”

We sacrifice for those we love.

Abraham proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would sacrifice anything and everything for God.

God then turned around and did the very thing he asked Abraham to do.

What are you being called to sacrifice?

  • Netflix?

  • Coffee?

  • Sweets?

  • A new car?

  • Sleep?

If you’re reading this you have more to give.

You can dig deeper.

You have electricity.

A roof over your head.

A warm bed.

A high speed internet connection.

One of them “fancy computin’ devices.”

Hot coffee, tea, filtered water, or an energy drink in hand.

Air conditioning.

A comfy seat.

Loved ones nearby.

Friends who care about you.

Not a saber-toothed cat trying to eat you for miles around.

You think you got it tough?

If you think you do, then you do.

You’ll remain a victim.

You’ll find an excuse.

You’ll hit the snooze.

You’ll have that extra cookie.

You’ll skip the gym.

You’ll avoid the sales call you know you need to make.

You’ll eat fast food instead of healthy.

And as you allow these “tiny, innocent little short cuts” to creep into your life, soon, very soon, you will have indeed have it tough.

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But at least you’ll have practiced all of your excuses and they’ll just roll off your tongue.

You’ll drink convenience store coffee out of styrofoam cups with your fellow lifelong shortcut takers as you compare notes about the bad hand you’ve been dealt and complain about the cost of everything.

Meanwhile, your friends who didn’t have the time to “live a little”at the nightclub and who had one drink then headed home for a good night’s sleep because they had “balls and chains” that were “dragging them down” are now living life on their terms.

The choice is yours.

Choose wisely.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.