What Do You Worship?


Today’s Gospel Reading vs Super Bowl Players’ Actions

“After making the crossing to the other side of the sea,Jesus and his disciples came to land at Gennesaretand tied up there.

As they were leaving the boat, people immediately recognized him.They scurried about the surrounding countryand began to bring in the sick on matsto wherever they heard he was.

Whatever villages or towns or countryside he entered,they laid the sick in the marketplacesand begged him that they might touch only the tassel on his cloak;and as many as touched it were healed.” Gospel MK 6:53-56

In watching fans before Super Bowl 50 try to “touch only the tassel” on past and current NFL players and then watching the athletes “scurry about” the field with hands and lips out to touch and kiss the trophy it really gave me pause.

As a (former?) athlete who has competed in organized sports since 1st grade through to college and even today in events such as the Tough Mudder and the Tampa Bay Frogman Swim, I understand the elation of winning. Of being awarded the medal or the trophy or the certificate that signifies you’re the best.

But have we, as a nation, turned things upside down?

Have we gotten thing backwards?

Whatever you focus on, dwell on, dream about, strive towards is what you will receive. 

Where is your focus?

Good Selling,