What will people pay for?

Convenience. Clarity. Experiences. Exclusivity.

How can you tell if there is a market for what you’re offering? Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is there a nagging issue or recurring challenge that is slowing them down or interfering with their growth or the achievement of their goals, dreams, and desires?

  • Do they have big goals that are clearly stated and to which they are committed to meeting? 

  • Is there already a large body of work that has been produced about this topic or issue? 

Momentum is your friend.

Overcome self-doubt.

Technology is irrelevant.

Content is still king.

Retention vs new members is key.

The 4 subconcious reasons people buy and join membership sites:

  1. People feel a connection to you and want more from you

  2. People want less “stuff” to sort through. As soon as they feel overwhelmed they go away. Less is best. Release one major piece of information per week.

  3. People want convenience and speed. It’s all about results.

  4. People want direction.

People quit because of overwhelm.

Start with a success path.

Strategy is key.

What is your foundation strategy?

  1. Who do you serve?

  2. Challenges they face?

  3. Keeps them awake at night?

Content strategy

Have a big launch strategy with limited enrollment periods.

  • Waitlist promotions

  • Evergreen promotions

  • Trials

  • Bonuses

Give people a compelling reason to join your membership site today.

Retention strategy. It starts with your onboarding strategy.

Create excitement and anticipation and results.

Growth strategy

Automate. Off-load. 


Small lists help you have intimate relationships with your members.

Free content in the market doesn’t hurt you. It creates overwhelm. People will pay for clarity and convenience.