What You Feel and Think Is Your Reality

What You Feel and Think Is Your Reality

“If you think you’re desperate, you are.”

Sage advise from my dad that has carried me through more than three “rough patches” in my 25+ years as an entrepreneur and rebel.

God gave you and me free will. Use it to control your thinking and attitude. Choose to remain calm. Choose to realize the idiot that cut you off in traffic is just an idiot and not out to get you. (I use the term idiot in its kindest sense of the word.)

Choose to realize that the product launch or partnership or marketing campaign that bombed can be instructive and will help you reach future, bigger goals.

Reality is whatever you want it to be and the road to it is paved with focused effort driven by focused thought.

What’s your reality?

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,

Wes Schaeffer Infusionsoft Sales & Sales Training Signature