What’s Your Game Plan?

From today’s reading…

The nations are sunk in the pit they have made;

in the snare they set, their foot is caught.”

There’s a reason football teams have coaches sit up high in the press box.

It helps them see “the big picture,” which means they can see the strengths and weaknesses of both their opponent and themselves.

In the Air Force we have the Boeing E-3 Sentry, or AWACS—Airborne early Warning And Control Aircraft—that has a huge radar on top of the plane filled with a crew that act as coaches in the sky for our military. They can see the strengths and weaknesses of both sides of the fight and give directions on how to win.

Where’s your press box?Who’s sitting in it calling the shots?What are your rules of engagement?What’s your game plan to limit your own weaknesses, enhance your strengths, and defeat your enemy?

How good would your favorite sports team do if they spent all of their time arguing over the type of water bottle they should use on the sidelines?

How good would our military be if they spent all of their time arguing over the type of underwear they wore into battle?

Our nation is trapped in its own snare when we bicker about music awards and reality TV shows.

Our nation is trapped in its own snare when we allow soulless government entities to dictate what our children learn, when they will learn it, what they eat, and how to medicate them into “well-behaved” automatons.

Our nation is trapped in its own snare when we grind ourselves into dust via long commutes, energy drinks, fast food, and 24×7 availability just to climb the ladder and keep up with the Joneses.

The devil knows the truth doesn’t matter if he can get you to ask the wrong questions.

And asking the right questions and seeking the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is the only way to…

It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.