While They Look On

From today’s reading…

…while they look on, shoulder the burden and set out in the darkness;…” Ezekiel 12:6

At least eight times in 12 verses Ezekiel describes doing the will of God out in the open for all to see, i.e. “while they look on.”

You see, God is the ultimate loving parent. He gives us chance after chance, hint after hint, nudge after nudge to catch a clue, get a grip, and get back on track.

But good parents also understand not only tough love but the principle that actions have consequences. Eventually, you have to let your kids do things their way because they are hard-headed and stiff-necked.

Yes, it’s a burden to love someone and want what’s best for them and watch them turn away from you, but it’s just one of many burdens we must shoulder if we are to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.