Who Am I That I Should Go?

From today’s reading…

But Moses said to God,

‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh

and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?’

He answered, ‘I will be with you;…’”

Imposter syndrome was alive and well with Moses thousands of years ago. (It lives in all of us to some degree all the time.)

He always had it in him to be a great leader. All he had to do was trust in God and follow His guidance to reach his full potential.

The same is true of you and me.

Inside of us is a slave along with a strong, capable, inspiring leader.

Which one showed up today? Which one will show up tomorrow?

It’s like the old Native American tale of the grandfather telling his young grandson about the two wolves that live within us.

One is good and represents things like love, kindness, and courage.

The other is bad and represents things like hatred, envy, and fear.

The grandson asks, “Which one wins?”

The grandfather wisely replies, “The one you feed.”

Allow God to feed the good in you and you’ll always…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.