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Why Attending The Inbound Conference Is A Waste Of Time And Money

Vision without action is hallucination. ~Edison

Hanging out with my fellow HubSpot partners, clients, and prospects, one question I heard at least 18 times a day during the week was,

Wes, how do you sell so much with no full time staff, no paid advertising, no sales people and no outbound calling?”

My answer every time is, I take massive action.

Sometimes that massive action is a 6-month project writing The Definitive Guide To Infusionsoft, while other times it’s taking 50 minutes during a semi-interesting conference to launch an entirely new program, Infusionsoft Study Hall, including a landing page, new Product inside my Infusionsoft application replete with single-pay, month-to-month and annual payment plans, while having my mom issue a press release and my assistant create an event on Facebook and Google+ and get the word out.

Is the Campaign Builder 100% complete? Yes and no.

Yes, it can process orders. No, it does not have a 75-step Follow-Up Sequence in place, yet.

I follow the adage of “Sell it first, then build it.”

I have the location reserved and the staff on standby to support this. Once the first order or two comes in I’ll finish up the automation behind it but I’m not going to do that until I know I have a winner.

Despite running The Sales Whisperer® since 2006 and being an Infusionsoft Consultant since 2008, a HubSpot partner since 2014, and an Ontraport partner since 2014, I still don’t have a crystal ball.

There is no guarantee to know what will work every time and what won’t. But I keep trying and testing and measuring and building.

Which brings me to my “Why Attending Inbound Is A Waste Of Time And Money” subject.

If you spent three days attending sessions, taking notes, meeting with potential JV partners, looking at the Battle of the Apps and getting inspired and went home and did nothing with the information, you just wasted three days, a lot of gas, and hundreds of dollars on travel, access passes, meals and lodging.

Now that you’re at the end of this blog post go do something to build your business right now then come back and leave a comment on what you did and I’ll send you a bonus gift. I’m not sure what it’ll be. I’m making it up as I go here.

Maybe it’ll be a free CD or my new laminated Infusionsoft Cheat Sheet or even a free consultation. Whatever it is, it’ll be good because those that take action deserve a reward above and beyond the reward you’ll receive from doing so.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,