Why Do You Thwart God’s Plan?

From today’s reading…

but by refusing baptism from him the Pharisees and the lawyers thwarted God’s plan for them.” Luke 7:30

Loving parents have dreams and aspirations for their children, but because they are loving, they do not force their children to be mindless robots who only do what they are told to live vicariously for their parents.

Ditto times a million for God.

He wants you, me, the Pharisees, lawyers, and even Alabama fans to spend all of eternity with Him, but He’s not going to walk that journey for us.

We are called to participate in our own salvation.

We are called to willingly pick up our crosses and do His will, just as His Son did.

He will give us signs and encouragement and even warnings, but He won’t walk our walk.

Listen to the messengers God sends to you as the tax collectors listened to John.

Accept your baptism in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and acknowledge “God’s saving justice” (v29), which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.