Why You Must Grow Less

From today’s reading…

He must grow greater, I must grow less.” John 3:30

John was the cousin of Jesus.

He was the messenger, the front man for Jesus.

He was given the power to proclaim and to baptize.

He was given the wisdom, the courage, and the inspiration to stand up to authorities and elders with words so powerful—because they were true—that he was killed for tipping over the applecart.

But he knew his place. 

He was not called to earthly glory, riches, and applause.

He was called to do one thing: remind everyone of the words of Isaiah 40:3 and to be on the lookout for its immediate fulfillment.

So be like John.

Be the voice crying out in the wilderness. Help make straight the way of the Lord for yourself and for others, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.