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  • Why You Need To Build For The Next Recession, With Jonathan Slain

Why You Need To Build For The Next Recession, With Jonathan Slain

Plan For The Worst To Get The Best

Click here to download the episode. 

Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • Owned five gyms when the great recession hit

  • Was hiding under his desk to avoid his employees

  • Borrowed $250,000 from his mother-in-law to make payroll

  • Started the fitness business with his brother-in-law and sold to him in 2017

  • Was working 80-100 hours/week in investment banking

  • After grinding for two years he partnered with his brother-in-law to open a gym franchise

  • At 25 he had a staff of 25 and didn’t know what to do

  • The franchise barely gave them an owner’s manual

  • Don’t marry the first girl you kiss

  • Contractors got crushed in the great recession

  • Many of his clients are contractors

  • He started speaking to those with great recession-survival stories

  • Turned it into a more formal workbook

  • Motion beats meditation

  • Met his co-author 10 years ago via EO (Traction)

  • We usually need more life-planning than business-planning

    • Goal planning is critical

    • 16 hours with a blank legal pad at Starbucks!

  • Right now you can ask for an increase in your line of credit

  • Once we’re in a recession your bank will want a personal guarantee and call in your LOC

  • If you lose your biggest client…you’re in a recession

  • If you lose your top salespeople who go on to create a competitive…you’re in a recession

  • If you get embezzled…you’re in a recession

  • There are no quick-fixes

  • Dig in and do the work

  • Fight or flight vs. operate at our potential

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast