Wickedness Has Come To…Milwaukee

From today’s reading…

Two elderly men had been selected from the people, that year, to act as judges. Of such the Lord had said, ‘Wickedness has come to Babylon through the elders and judges posing as guides to the people.’” Daniel 13:5

Brett Blomme is a Milwaukee County Children’s Court judge.

He was also in charge of a non-profit that promoted “Drag Queen Story Hour.”

You know, that wonderfully enlightened program whereby progressive parents took their young children to learn how to wear makeup and twerk by degenerate men?


Well, this upstanding (former) judge was arrested last week on seven counts of possessing child pornography.

It seems we still have wickedness coming to us from our elders and judges posing as our guides.

We should respect our elders and judges’ offices, but we should make those who hold those positions earn our respect.

Trust but verify that they are decent people worthy of listening to, following, and emulating.

Chances are good the power has gone to their head, which is not the way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.