Works of the Law Won’t Help You

From today’s reading…

What occasion is there then for boasting? It is ruled out.

On what principle, that of works?

No, rather on the principle of faith.

For we consider that a person is justified by faith

apart from works of the law.”

Just yesterday we read that God will “repay everyone according to his works” but today we read that “works of the law” are secondary or even detrimental to our eternal life.

So which is it? Do works matter or not?

Notice how Paul qualifies “works” with the phrase “of the law.”

At the time, one was considered a “good/upright/worthy/holy” member of the Jewish community by memorizing and closely following the 613 laws of Moses.

Naturally, many of the Jews who converted over to become followers of Christ hung on to many of those traditions and practices because it’s how they were raised. (Old habits die hard.)

So they continued to worry about hand-washing rituals and avoiding certain foods and other “works of the law” while not taking to heart the true meaning and will of God, as taught and exemplified by Jesus.

When you let Jesus in, you’ll stop focusing on how to clean a utensil before eating and focus on loving and serving your neighbor as Jesus did, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.