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  • Yes You Can Have It All (Truth? Fiction? Total BS? Says Who?)

Yes You Can Have It All (Truth? Fiction? Total BS? Says Who?)

It reminds me of the old adage I learned when I was a stock broker:

“You know why stock brokers aren’t rich? They don’t believe their own B.S”

Please take your time to “look under the hood” of these “Law of Attraction” and “The Secret” and all the other training-come-lately-blow-smoke-up-your-backside seminar dudes and dudettes.

I truly believe that most of them are just telling you what you want to hear, telling you what is hot now, telling you whatever it is will get you to come to their high-priced gig that will be loud and entertaining but not long-lasting.

Why am I telling you this now?

I’m not 100% sure but I’ve been meaning to write this for quite some time. I held off because I didn’t want to be called “negative” or “seminar-bashing” or any other stupid phrase some positive-thinking but under-performing Yay-Who might call me after reading this post.

But two things happened in the last 24 hours to push me over the edge.

  1. I conducted some private sales training for a very nice lady that does some inside sales and customer service work for an insurance client of mine. We worked on a simple, honest script for calling existing clients with whom she admitted having great relationships. The objective of the call was to merely ask for a referral. She even blocked out time on her calendar to do so yesterday but she ended up not doing them.

  2. I’m up early this morning and in looking up an associate on Facebook I ran across a “self help / motivational” guru with a nice “power” photo and Facebook Fan Page so I checked out this person’s website and saw the timeless title, “What if you could have it all?” After I rolled my eyes I looked up this person’s background and found out she is 39 years old and single.

After reading these two scenarios you may be tempted to conclude that the first lady could be “cured” by attending the high-priced workshop of the second. Lady #1 would then feel better about herself, which would EMPOWER HER to make the calls, which would lead to more referrals, which would lead to more sales, which would lead to endless income and HAVING IT ALL!!!

To which I reply…MAYBE.

Sure, some people will pay their hundreds of dollars, raise their arms and scream and hug and cry together and go back to their office, all alone, and pick up the phone and just start calling people because they are sooooooo POSITIVE!

But most won’t.

Most will be pissed off before they leave the parking lot because some insensitive, “less-aware” jerk cuts them off as they are exiting the smoke-blowing, hug session.

Here’s the “cure” for the lady in the first example (and you, too, if you’re not making enough prospecting calls): actions create feelings.

Now you can stop looking for some magic potion or workshop or CD to make you “feel” better so you’ll FINALLY HAVE IT ALL!

Just get going and you’ll feel better! Even if your first steps are wrong. Even if your opening lines are wrong. Even if your first email is wrong. GET STARTED!

Wanna know the REAL SECRET to prospecting and sales success? Create a script and follow it.

When you know what to say and you know you are saying it to the correct audience you will be successful and you will feel better.

When you feel better you’ll not only feel like you can have it all you’ll feel like you do indeed have it all because being happy and feeling fulfilled really is having it all.

Now let’s take a look at the “guru” in #2 above.

She looks like a nice individual. She has nice bleached teeth and nice bleached hair and wears a nice big diamond on her right hand.

Her photos are nice and she hangs out with other materialistically successful single men and women with nice fake tans, nice fake breasts, nice fake veneers, all in their late 30’s to early 50’s and they all cross-promote one another nicely and have nice high-priced, feel-good workshops and eat lavish hormone-free beef and pesticide-free veggies and then…go home to an empty, lonely house.

So does she really have it all?

Is it even possible to have it all? Do you really want it all? (If you had it all wouldn’t you want to share it with someone you love?)

If you really want to have it all work on your relationship with God. (And, yes, He does exist!)

He’s the real “SECRET!”

He’s the real “Law of Attraction.” (Heck, He created gravity and we still can’t explain why gravity exists. We just know it does.)

During the “Q&A” portion of your new relationship ask Him to help you work on your relationships at home. When things are good at home you can face the challenges of the world with much greater resiliency and success and satisfaction.

So when you get right with God and get right with your family and then get right with your clients you really will have it all.

If you need a referral to someone to help you get right with God I know some good people across the US that can help.

Ditto on the family issues.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as: