You Are Being Deceived (Are You?)

From today’s reading…

Children, let no one deceive you….

Whoever sins belongs to the Devil,

because the Devil has sinned from the beginning.

Indeed, the Son of God was revealed to destroy the works of the Devil.”

Just because you’re not mad or angry or hateful…Just because you’re not looking for a fight…Just because you don’t want to enter the fray…Just because you don’t think you’re in a battle…doesn’t mean you’re not under attack.Constant attack.Constant battle.An eternal war.

I know you don’t believe me, which is not an accident.

The reality—the sneaky-effective strategy—of the Devil is to make you believe everything is just peachy keen…hunky dory…smooth sailing.

Honey, pass the popcorn and small-batch organic triple IPA micro-brew and remote. The game’s about to start.”

The Devil doesn’t want a strong, focused, alert, trained opponent.The Devil doesn’t want a fight.The Devil doesn’t want a battle.The Devil doesn’t want a war.The Devil wants victory.

And the Devil defines victory not by bodycount but by the number of souls he can claim.

You and I can no more deny this reality than a fish can deny it is immersed in water.

But fish are smart enough to not think they are kittens that can walk ashore, have a sweet family adopt him, get fed warm milk every day, and live happily ever after.

You and I have keep our heads on a swivel, maintain situational awareness, and…  

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.