You Are Called To Fellowship With The One

From today’s reading…

God is faithful,

and by him you were called to fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:9

I have some friends, both from the military and from my childhood, who would answer their phone at 3 am and meet me at the county jail, post bail, take me to breakfast then home, and never say a word nor expect anything in return. (They’d know I was innocent because I’m such an angel, but I digress.)

God is like that, only more so. He is always there when you need Him and He is always there to not only pull your rear out of the fire, but He makes Himself available to keep you from falling into the fire in the first place if you’d only check with Him first.

He loves you so much He has invited you over to have an eternal playdate with His Son. There will be sandwiches—on toast and cut diagonally, of course—and fruity drinks and healthy snacks and the latest Wii console.

There will be naps and kite flying and water balloons and puppies.

There will be lions and tigers and bears…but they’ll all be house-trained so you can have them sit and stand and rollover and they’ll let you rub their bellies.

You just need to accept His promise that he’ll “keep you firm to the end, irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ,” which means you need to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.