You are not alone

For the record…

There is good and evil, right and wrong, heaven and hell, God and the devil, good angels and evil spirits, an afterlife for your soul, which is eternal, and a judgment day.

I’m not stating this to debate anyone.

I’m stating this to reassure the silent majority that you are not alone, you are not crazy, and your efforts to lead by example are not done in vain.

We live in interesting times. Up is down. Darkness is light. Girls are boys but boys cannot become men. Business is bad. Government is good. CEOs are bad but millionaire celebrities are good.

Those who make these claims are wrong. They are lost. Some are manipulative and evil and lying for their own gain.

Keep on keeping on. Keep the faith. Keep the lost in your prayers. Take care of your family. Take care of yourself. Do not pray for an easy journey. Pray for the strength and the wisdom and the stamina to stay the course.

Spiritual warfare is part of life and the objective of warfare is not to destroy your enemy but to take away his will to fight. The enemy is persistent, creative, patient, and dominant in our culture and the media.

So maintain your will to fight, which differs from always fighting.

Pick your battles but always be prepared for battle, which starts with your desire to be prepared, which is enhanced when you know you are not alone, which is why I wrote this.

You are not alone.