You Defiled His Land

From today’s reading…

When I brought you into the garden land

to eat its goodly fruits,

You entered and defiled my land,

you made my heritage loathsome.” Jeremiah 2:7

I’ve beaten it into my kids’ heads that you return something you borrowed better than it was loaned to you. Use a friend’s truck to pick up a desk and move it two miles? Fill up the truck and wash it. Need an egg to finish a dessert you’re making? Once you go to the store, make the dessert for them as well.

We need to be good stewards of what we’ve been given: and we’ve been given everything, including the next breath you take.

When God says “Honor your mother and father…Thou shall not kill…Thou shall not be a lying sack of horse pooh,” He’s not trying to limit us any more than Toyota is when they say “Thou shall not put diesel in your Camry.”

As the designer, manufacturer, seller, warranty provider, and repairman, God knows what you need and what you don’t need to get the best use out of what He gave you, which includes your soul.

So follow His instructions. It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.