You Do Not Know These Things?

From today’s reading…

‘How is that possible?’ asked Nicodemus. Jesus replied, ‘You are the Teacher of Israel, and you do not know these things!’” John 3:9-10

The older I get, the more I realize the truth of the Stealers Wheel verse, “Fools to the left of me! Jokers to the right!” I could say, 

  • “You are the President of the United States, and you do not know these things!”

  • “You are the top virus doctor of the United States, and you do not know these things!”

  • “You are the Surgeon General of the United States, and you do not know these things!”

  • “You are the Secretary of Defense of the United States, and you do not know these things!”

  • “You are a member of Congress of the United States, and you do not know these things!”

  • “You are a Senator of the United States, and you do not know these things!”

  • “You are the president of a university in the United States, and you do not know these things!”

  • “You are a Catholic bishop, and you do not know these things!”

  • “You are a preacher man driving a Ferrari, and you do not know these things!”

  • “You are a preacher man who owns a private jet, and you do not know these things!”

Reagan was right when he quoted the Russians, “Trust, but verify.”

The world is complex.

We must take shortcuts, make assumptions, and place our trust in others if we are to make any progress, but those shortcuts, assumptions, and placements of trust come with their own risks.

Priests, pastors, and coaches were trusted, and our children were abused.

Madoff and Hwang were trusted, and billions were lost. FDR and LBJ and Clinton and Bush 43 were trusted, and we’ve been at war with the world for 80 years with no end in sight.

Experts seem to be harder to come by these days.

We’re awash in information. I recommend you do your research.

Question everything.

Peel away the pomp and circumstance, and get to the heart of the matter, be it COVID-19 responses, Critical Race Theory, cryptocurrency, and your belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.