You Get a Snake and You Get a Snake!

From today’s reading…

We have sinned in complaining against the LORD and you.

Pray the LORD to take the serpents away from us.”

There was no “you’re in time out” in the Old Testament.

When you screwed up God knocked the stuffing clean out of you…in the form of serpents to first torment you then kill you.

What’s that? You’re complaining about how I freed you from slavery? You get a snake! And YOU get a snake! And YOU GET A SNAKE!”

Isn’t it funny how we think things are “horrible, terrible, miserable, can’t get any worse”…then in come the serpents and we realize “maybe things weren’t so bad after all. Can you please return things to how they were, God?”

The freed Israelites were “disgusted with this wretched food!”

They’re free after hundreds of years and they complain about their food.

Give me a break.

I’d rather eat nothing but vegan dishes in freedom than crawfish étouffée in captivity.

In the big scheme of things, what you have for lunch does not matter. How bad the choir is does not matter. That dude wearing shorts and flip flops to mass does not matter. 

Focus on God. Focus on His plan for you. Focus on the destination. Focus on His Word. Because that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.