You Get It All

From today’s reading…

I gave you a land that you had not tilled

and cities that you had not built, to dwell in;”

Believe it or not someone—many someones—are looking out for you.

They’re the crew paving the roads in your city, the first responders who come running when you call, the electricians keeping the traffic signals running,

They’re your neighbors who bring your lost dog home or pull your trashcan up off the street or call to remind you you left your garage door open after dark.

They’re your co-workers who recognize your need for an extended happy hour or who pitch in to help you land a big deal, calm an unhappy client, or file your expenses.

They’re your family who, even though they may live miles away, will drive through the night to be at your side if you needed help.

They’re the veterans who have given their lives and continue to serve in faraway lands to keep the bad guys away.

They’re the angels above and the friends at your side who pray for you day and night. So appreciate your roads, your water, your electricity, your Wifi connection, your cell signal, and your refrigerator that keeps your food cool and fresh.

And most of all, appreciate all those who have come before you to give you a leg up and commit to doing the same for those who come after you.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.