You Get What You Choose

From today’s reading…

Before man are life and death, good and evil,

whichever he chooses shall be given him.” Sirach 15:17

The “choose your own adventure” games and books have become popular because you feel as though you are in control and can create a unique experience.

Guess what.

Life is literally a choose-your-own-adventure.

Every minute of every day you can choose the path you take.

Get up and go for a walk…or walk to the fridge and get a soda or beer.

Click on the image of the scantily clad woman and go down that rabbit hole or put down your device and pick up a book.

Zone out for two hours watching junk on Netflix or watch a free tutorial on YouTube on how to build a website or say hello in a new language or refurbish your old dresser or plant a garden.

Cut off and flip off someone in traffic or give them space as you smile and wave at them.

You’re surrounded by what you’ve cultivated, attracted, and accumulated, either by design or by default.

What you have today is your own fault.

So is what you choose to have tomorrow.

Choose life. Choose good. That’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.