You Have Faith & Love? Get To Work.

From today’s reading…

For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.”

My worst golf shots—and I have many—happen when I am in between clubs and can’t decide whether to use the shorter club and swing harder or the longer club and swing easier.

Because my club faith is weak, the work I perform with it is weak.

People drive through life like they’re driving through a school zone while they make the excuse 

But what if I’m going the wrong way? I need to be careful. I may have to stop and ask for directions from time to time. Better safe than sorry.”

A few things are wrong with this scenario. 

  1. If you’re doing 20 mph on the 70 mph interstate you’re preventing others from getting to their destination safely and on time and you may even cause an accident so get going or pull over and quit.

  2. If you’re driving down a dead end street, don’t you want to get to the end as quickly as possible and eliminate that as one of your possible routes so you can turn around and get on the correct road and even tell others as well so you can save them time and effort?

  3. If you’re on the right road, don’t you want to get to your destination as soon as you can?

Yeah, yeah, I know “it’s the journey, not the destination,” but you get my point. You’re not committing to your journey because your faith is weak, which causes you to love as the weak love, which causes you to be weak in your work.

The world needs your laborious love and your wonderful work, so…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.