You need to sell BETR™. Let’s look at T.

The adage “People must know, like and trust you before they’ll buy from you” has been beaten to death to the sales demise of many well-meaning sales people and business owners.

The only thing that really matters is that your prospect trusts you.

Now don’t get me wrong. Knowing and liking you sure do make things easiers when it comes to marketing and selling, but I know a lot of people that are fun to hang out with and be around but I wouldn’t take their advice or buy anything more expensive than lemonade from their kids who setup a stand in front of their house on the weekend.

However, when my 5th child was just shy of three years old (in 2007) and spent 11 days in the hospital with an un-diagnosed ruptured appendix, the surgeon they finally recommended was unknown to me and had the bedside manner of Attila the Hun so I did not like her…but I trusted her implicitly. 

The staff spoke of her in hushed, reverent tones. Her undergraduate, graduate, internships, and advanced training and experience all checked out. 

Without a doubt she was the doctor for our baby girl.

What do you do to gain the trust of your prospects and clients?

Your past customers become the prologue for your future customers. 

That’s why I recommend getting as many testimonials as humanly possible.

If I say I’m trustworthy you’ll doubt me.

If 5 or 10 or 100 of my customers say I deliver the goods then it’s the truth.

It’s like trying to buildi a brand. Too many young / new / small companies want to do “brand building” because it sounds sexy and easy and fun when in reality you should focus on exceding the expectations of your customers and watch your brand of being a quality, trustworthy firm build itself.

Trust me on that and on this:

Good Selling,