You’ll Be Handed Over and Scourged

From today’s reading…

Be prepared for people to hand you over to sanhedrins and scourge you in their synagogues.” Matthew 10:17

Back in the day, religious leaders were powerful and the synagogue was the center of everyone’s lives.

Today, celebrities, athletes, and politicians have a great deal of power and influence over the masses.

They are worshipped and followed with religious fervor because “organized religion” has been denigrated by self-appointed progressives who really do think they are smarter than their forefathers and that this time it’s different. 

This is why we are seeing people literally handing over business owners, large families, people attending religious functions, and even their neighbors for not wearing masks, not keeping six feet apart, for trying to stay open to pay their bills, and for praying.

Jesus told us this day would come. He also told us that we will be saved if we’ll only…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.