Your Arrogance Blinds You To The Truth

From today’s reading…

To this they answered, ‘Are you a Galilean too? Go into the matter, and see for yourself: prophets do not arise in Galilee.’” John 7:52

The big wigs couldn’t agree on who Jesus was or what to do with Him.

Their assumptions blinded them to reality.

Their confirmation bias showed them only what they wanted to see.

Their thirst for power and fear of discomfort had them kill an innocent man, the King, Lord, and Savior they had supposedly been searching, waiting, and praying for since before the flood.

What are you too blind to see today?

How often do you say, 

  • “Good people do not come from the Republican party.”

  • “Smart people do not come from the Democratic party.”

  • “Good Christians do not join the Catholic/Protestant church.”

  • “Only evil people can be Alabama fans.” (Okay…that one might be true. GEAUX TIGERS!)

  • “Only smart, sexy, talented people are allowed in the Air Force.” (Okay…that’s another one…but you get my point.)

Your hard heart, stiff neck, and assumption malfunction only serve your need for greed, physical and mental comfort. It’s time to get uncomfortable because the road to hell is padded with comfort.

Stay the hard, difficult course. It’s the only way to…Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.