Your Grief Will Become Joy

From today’s reading…

Jesus said to his disciples:

‘Amen, amen, I say to you, you will weep and mourn,

while the world rejoices;

you will grieve, but your grief will become joy.’” John 16:20

It’s happening today just like it happened in 30 A.D.

Celebrities get on stage and literally scream how pleased they are with themselves that they had their abortions to throngs of adoring fans.

Parents applaud and laugh as they set a young child alone on a chair so she can get a better view of a transvestite doing a provocative dance.

Parents take their young children to “drag queen story hour” so male perverts can indoctrinate and twerk for them and we’re forced to fund it because it’s at a public library.

I could continue but you get the point.

Can we stop the madness? Not completely. Does that mean we remain quiet? Absolutely not. Why? Because we can stop it for some and even if we stop it for one, it will be worth the effort, so as we await the triumphant return of Jesus, we must set the example for others because we never know who’s watching, which means we must…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.