Your Heart Is Being Tested

From today’s reading…

Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings,

who seeks his strength in flesh,

whose heart turns away from the LORD….

I, the LORD, alone probe the mind

and test the heart,

To reward everyone according to his ways,

according to the merit of his deeds.”

There are pills and procedures for whatever ails ya these days, even if it doesn’t really ail ya but you just wanna “do something about it.” Whatever it is.

Can’t sleep? Take a pill.

Can’t wake up? Take a pill.

Can’t lose weight? Take a pill or have surgery.

Can’t gain the muscles you want? Take a pill or get butt or calf implants.

Don’t want children? Take a pill or have surgery.

Can’t get pregnant? Take a pill or have surgery.

Hung over? Take a pill.

Want to get buzzed without having a hangover? Take a pill.

Can’t focus? Take a pill.

“But my doctor said it was fine.” “But my neighbor does it and he’s fine.” “But my buddies at work do it and they’re all fine.”

Are they really fine?

Can you see into their hearts? Can you see into their future? Can you see into their souls?

Before you do whatever you do ask yourself if you’re seeking a quick fix for instant gratification or are you doing what will help you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.