Your Idle Faith Leads To Idol Worship

From today’s reading…

My beloved ones, avoid idolatry.”

Clearly Paul had no idea how popular the iPhone would become…or Black Friday…or Nickelback…or LeBron…or Tiger…or Hef…or Beyonce.

Clearly Paul never envisioned how important it would become to take photos in front of a private jet…or a Lamborghini…or in an infinity pool…or with the Real Housewives of Orange County.

Clearly Paul did not understand the value of a blue verified check mark next to your name…or a shout out from Taylor Swift…or getting to 10,000 followers on Instagram.

Clearly Paul was only instructing simple people in a simple time, right?

I mean, what’s so bad about worshipping shiny new smart phones and millionaire athletes and luxury items and living “the best version of myself”? (Why are people always half-dressed and alone when they make that statement on their social media posts? But I digress.)

On second thought, maybe Paul was right.

I mean, how happy are we at knowing we’ll be unhappy about the $1,000 smartphone in our hands 12 months from now when the new $1,100 smartphone comes out?

And how many times have we been let down by a celebrity/athlete/business mogul/politician either when we meet them in person or see something about them in the news?

And how many groceries or golf clubs can your fit in your Lamborghini?

And how many times has your New Age GooRoo been proven wrong?

And why are words like goddess and divine and sanctity and temple and spiritual thrown around by the scantily-clad-enlightened ones?

When you take a step back it’s obvious to see that Paul was inspired in his writings and instructions, which included…

Because the loaf of bread is one, we, though many, are one Body, for we all partake of the one loaf.

Knowing where to direct your worship and always remembering that we are all one and in this together is the only way to… 

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.