Your New Heart and Spirit

From today’s reading…

Cast away from you all the crimes you have committed, says the LORD,

and make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.” Ezekiel 18:31

When a prospect calls me to discuss working together I always ask them “What happened?”

You see, we decide to change when we’re sick and tired of the status quo.

  • The overweight person is laughed at or humiliated in public.

  • The smoker can’t run around with their kids or grandkids at the park.

  • The salesperson lost a big sale because they let the prospect push them around.

If there is no immediate, painful, significant cause that lead them to reach out to me, they are just conducting research. They are curious. They are kicking the tires, which is fine, but that means I need to direct them to my blog, my podcast, my book, or the many other free/low-cost tools I provide to help people conduct their own research because “ain’t nobody got time for that.”

This also applies to you participating in your own salvation. Far too many of us wait for something painful to come into our lives to create that wakeup call for our soul, such as being diagnosed with a significant illness, a financial hardship, or a death in the family.

Since God is always supporting you and calling for you to reject your sinful way of living and turn to Him, He may allow “bad things to happen to good people” to “knock some sense into ya,” and it usually works.

But you don’t have to lick the frozen pole to know that’s going to cause more problems for you.

You can learn from the experience of others—including the experience of Ezekiel and the people of the Old Testament—to literally turn your life around it right now.

Maybe you need to delete or put strict limitations on the apps that distract you and lead you to sin or pour the booze down the drain or throw the junk food away or sell your TV or go for a walk around the block or get on your knees or simply bow your head and pray to God and ask for the strength to turn away from whatever has harmed you and held you back so you can get on the right path.

Use these 40 days of Lent as a time to focus, find, and refine the tools God has given you to make for yourself a new heart and spirit, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.