Your Occupation Is Vanity

From today’s reading…

For what profit comes to man from all the toil and anxiety of heart

with which he has labored under the sun?

All his days sorrow and grief are his occupation;

even at night his mind is not at rest.

This also is vanity.”

In Luke 12 today the parable Jesus tells is based on what Qoheleth wrote for us today in his opening of Ecclesiastes, namely “you can’t take it with you.”

Your beauty, your muscles, your vacation homes, your fast cars, your expensive watches, your Fantasy Football championships, your organized closet, your manicured rose bushes, your ulcers, your migraine medications, your sleepless nights, your spreadsheets, your vision boards will all be left behind and you’ll show up at the Pearly Gates with nothing covering your behind so be kind (unwind). (Sorry. Had to put that in there. You “yutes” will have to Google the phrase…and what a “yute” is…but I digress).

Focus on what matters.

And the only thing that matters is that you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.