You’re A Poor Judge of Book Covers

From today’s reading…

“Can anything good come from Nazareth?”

Good ol’ Nathanael, judging a book by its cover.

We’re seeing a lot of that now, aren’t we?

  • “Can anything good come from CNN?”

  • “Can anything good come from FoxNews?”

  • “Can anything good come from Trump supporters?”

  • “Can anything good come from leftist universities?”

  • “Can anything good come from the Middle East?”

  • “Can anything good come from south of the Mason-Dixon Line?”

  • “Can anything good come from them Yankee states?”

Serving in the military helped me see how all four corners of the globe have good people.

I served with people from Korea, Jordan, Taiwan, and the UAE. I served with people from Canada, the U.K., and Australia.

I served with people from all 50 states.

I served with people of all major and most minor religions, as well as atheists, agnostics, those searching for a faith. When we all had a common goal—to build a team to complete the mission—we focused on making that happen instead of tearing each other down.

If you have time to judge someone; to tear someone down; to stereotype; to put them into a box before you even meet them then I’ll make two predictions:

  1. You are not as successful as you can be.

  2. You are not as happy as you can be.

Life’s too short and the journey is too long to be miserable while being less than you can be. (I wonder if you’re less than you can be because you’re not happy. Things that make you go “hmmm.”)

Be happy and welcoming as you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.