You’re Not a Slave So Be Brave

From today’s reading…

For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.”

Viktor Frankl, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr, Admiral James Stockdale, and even En Vogue knew that if you freed your mind, you’d be free, which is how you and I are supposed to be.

Life is not what happens to you.

Life is how you respond to what happens to you.

Frankl, King, and Stockdale all spent time locked up and treated as animals, yet they lived and died free.

It’s great to have goals and a big vision, but those are just words on paper. To bring them to fruition requires action, even if the only action you can apply is thinking better, more clearly, more realistically, with more hope, faith, and love.

But not all prisons are physical, and not all captors are human.

Your prison may be sex, food, alcohol, or drugs. It may be over-spending, anxiety, depression, or envy.

Despite the shape and form of your prison cell, you have the power to be free, just find the source of all power and follow His instructions because that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

P.S. These guests on The Sales Podcast all served time behind bars or were held captive against their will and rose above it. Maybe their stories will inspire you:

P.P.S. I like old-school beats, and I’m a fan of En Vogue, so enjoy the music video below, which relates to today’s reading.