You’re Not Seeing Correctly

From today’s reading…

But the LORD said to Samuel:

‘Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature,

because I have rejected him.

Not as man sees does God see,

because man sees the appearance

but the LORD looks into the heart.’”

Samuel was sent by God to choose the next king from the sons of Jesse.

Jesse, thinking he knew what God wanted, brought his first seven sons to Samuel thinking surely one of them were meant to be king.

But both Samuel—a chosen prophet—and Jesse were wrong.

God wanted David, the youngest of eight.

God wanted David, the only  one who remained focused on the job he was assigned.

God wanted David, who was imperfect and sinful.

God wanted David  to lead his family, his nation, and to do God’s will.

You probably think you’re not ready.

You probably think you’re not called to do anything “big” or “meaningful” with your life.

You probably think God doesn’t have a plan for you.

You probably think you’ve been overlooked. Forgotten. Ignored.

You’d be just as wrong as Samuel and Jesse.

You just need to follow David’s example and…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.